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Where can I get in touch to learn more about how Enable Medicine can partner with me?

Reach out to our team to start up the conversation!

How is my data protected in the Enable Medicine Platform?

At Enable Medicine, we understand the critical importance of information security, compliance, privacy, and a robust infrastructure for both operations and client trust. As such, we have taken steps to maintain the highest standards of data protection with our platform as well as ensure that our systems and processes meet rigorous security requirements.

For more on Enable Medicine's information security, check out our information security.

What questions can Enable Medicine help me answer about my biological data?

The Enable Medicine platform supports both targeted discovery as well as broader research. Some specific topics and questions that we help our clients answer include:

Target Identification

- What are potential novel targets for indication X, and can a target yield a lead?

Patient Stratification

- Can you develop a novel RUO/IUO biomarker to predict response to our candidate?

- What clinical history & diagnostic features predict response to our candidate?

- What biological signatures stratify therapeutic response in patients treated with therapy Y?

Indication Selection

- Based on broad Ph1 trial, can you narrow the indication predicted to have the best response?

- What indication has highest PTRS as follow-on indication for our asset?

- Can you develop a predictive biomarker?

Therapeutic MoA

- What is the therapeutic MoA for a treatment in indication X?

What does Enable Medicine do?

Enable Medicine helps biopharma and academia organizations activate multimodal biological data with AI to produce targeted insights for pipeline development and therapeutic discovery.

Supported by an integrated data-to-insights platform and top-of-the-field scientific expertise and AI methods, Enable Medicine partners with teams to organize, analyze, and interpret their biological data, targeting critical questions in their research, and powers continued discovery on proprietary and public data with AI.

What type of data does the Enable Medicine Platform support?

Enable Medicine supports a wide variety of multimodal data types, such as high-resolution single cell data, relationship-aware spatial data, clinically-relevant metadata, and more, across genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, imaging, and clinical domains.

Assay types we support include: PhenoCycler, PhenoImager HT, Imaging Mass Cytometry (Standard BioTools IMC; Ionpath MiBi), General Fluorescence Microscopy, and Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E)

What makes the Enable Medicine platform unique?

Designed systematically by expert scientists with both biology and data science workflows in mind, the Enable Medicine platform is built to help solve the most pressing biological questions with AI-powered insights from multimodal data.

We're building the largest atlas of biological data, and currently the Enable Medicine platform houses over 60,000 public-available samples (over 1.3 billion cells) across 20+ disease areas. With consistent organization and clear annotation across the platform, the Enable Medicine platform allows for integrated search and discovery across these data and your own data.

Enable Medicine scientists deploy advanced methods on the platform, including established industry standards as well as novel frameworks developed by in-house experts, to analyze your data.

Our team conducts tailored analysis and generates insights reports that help you tackle a range of program goals, including testing your hypotheses around mechanism of action, biomarker identification, patient stratification, and more.

How do I actually use the Enable Medicine Platform?

We'll frontload your data organization for you and help you quickly uncover target insights. Once you are set up, you'll be able to iteratively search and discover insights from your available data atlas.

STEP 1 - Send all of your data to us, and we'll upload, and organize your data in the Enable Medicine platform.

STEP 2 - ANNOTATE & ANALYZE: Our researchers deploy industry-leading as well as novel, in-house annotation tools to contextualize your data. Then, we apply cutting-edge analysis methods to surfacing actionable insights for your specific biological queries.

STEP 3 - SEARCH & DISCOVER: Log-in to the Enable Medicine platform to access your organized data, publicly available datasets, curated insights reports, and AI-powered search engine.

What industries does Enable Medicine serve?

Enable has over 200 active collaborators across industry-leading biopharma, academic, and other healthcare organizations.

We help scientists in high-value programs scale their R&D capabilities and accelerate pipeline success. With the Enable Medicine platform, clients are able to accelerate time-to-insight, better understand their drugs and indications, and uncover insights that optimize therapeutic development success.

Learn more on our Solutions Page

Are you an existing customer looking for support?
Reference our documentation library or get in touch with our team.

Documentation library

Enable Medicine Platform
The Enable Medicine Platform is an end-to-end solution for generating, analyzing, and indexing high parameter biological data. This user manual aims to provide information about the capabilities of our platform and our analysis methods.
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emObject is a domain-specific data abstraction that is purpose-built for the intricacies of spatial omics data and enables seamless translations between the core elements of a spatial omics dataset - images, masks, and annotations.
View docs
SpatialMap is an R package and suite of tools intended to facilitate exploratory analysis of spatial biology data.
View docs

Contact support

Email us directly for any of the following, and we will get back to you within 1-2 business days.
Broken feature reports
Please let us know what page you were on, what you were trying to do when you experienced the issue, and what the error messages were if any. Screenshots are always helpful!
General feedback
Our users are our most highly valued source of feedback for improvements on our platform. Please leave any feedback or requests for our platform that would improve your experience.
Feature request
If you would like to submit a feature request, please provide any and all information about the problem you are trying to solve or goals you would like to achieve.
Other questions
If you have any questions at all about our platform, or about your study, we are here for any support we can provide!